Onpage SEO is a must when going on the internet to be successful. Since then content marketing and help link building anything. Who his website has no control, will have little chance to get moving on Google. Today I come often to recurring error when I look at projects that are to be groomed or just tested. So Certain procedure repeated what the suspicion is confirmed that even certain knowledge seems to hold stubbornly in the field Onpage SEO - even if it's the infamous "dangerous half-knowledge" is. It is not very difficult to optimize a site according to when you know, is to which screws to turn. I recently a featured infographic discovered that explains all the important steps in principle. And that's why I would like to introduce this infographic here.
Google loves structure
Search engines like Google are particularly well on contents which are well structured and where you will find all the essentials. Full texts, for example, which have a certain length and content are consistent come on very well.
And the structural issues relate in Onpage SEO not only to text or content - it starts already with the URL to. The Internet address must be "speaking", so that Google can collect and process better. Special characters and similar ballast bother because only.
Problem: Many content management system produce no speaking URLs. Here one should take care in any case for a workaround or check in the settings, if it find suitable on-board tools.
What is wanted?
The content: texts still work best. The reason is that the Internet was originally a scientific medium that was intended for exchange between universities in the United States.
And it is precisely this approach has been Google, because Google is a project that was born at a university in the United States. The contents of a document, it is important to remember just that. So hurt measures that take that as an example, rather rare.
An example is the mention of a particular search word is possible at the beginning of the title, the same applies to the URL. It is also important to mention the keyword at the beginning of the body text and then to repeat it in reasonable numbers throughout the course of the document. How many exactly is a minor matter, it is important that the text is ultimately meaningful and readable.
Clean HTML is helpful
The use of HTML elements to further improve the internal document structure can not hurt also. So already several studies have shown that the use of tags can bring to the award of headlines benefits. The title of a text should therefore awarded the HTML tag "H1". For Google, this is the signal that there is a more important part in the relationship.
Although stylistic devices like this HTML tag no longer have the power as it was some years ago. Nevertheless, it's good from a structural point of view and helps Onpage SEO definitely. In times of schema.org and the Hummingbird update Google places more value on documents to facilitate Google capturing the information they contain.
This has benefits not only for the Google users, but is also economically interesting: The fewer resources Google for crawling a website needs , the more likely you could also also close to advantages in ranking. Whether this is so already, even I can not confirm or deny clearly. In my view, the effect but will increase in future.
Why links are important
By the way, the theme of "links" part of onpage SEO. But how can that be? Quite simply, who authored a text that can rarely actually accommodate all the facts. Again, it behaves as a scientific document. If you want to explain something Postgraduate within the framework of such a document, then one usually works with footnotes.
This has not proved successful on the internet, however, and so there are links that are often referred to as "backlinks". These links are the "salt in the SEO soup" and they still carry a very large part to the google algorithm in between.
When Onpage SEO, it may be useful to set appropriate links to third party sites from the body text, if they provide links for readers added value - for example, because there is additional information to be found. Then the signal is sent that a document has been carefully researched for Google, which Google values of course positive and taken into account when ranking.
Nothing goes without good technique
Onpage SEO has to do with technology. So who wants to make his website really fit, must be employed. Quite forward on the technical agenda, the speed of the website should be . How quickly the page is so delivered? Are there any (graphical) elements that delay the loading of the page?
These are typical questions that arise in improving page speed. Again, Google has again a legitimate interest, because you want that websites load as quickly as possible, to provide the users of the Google search happy. Who meets with Google coming back to results where the site found only very slowly or not open ultimately will be disappointed or even frustrated.
For Google, this is rather poor, because such users from disappointment actually even can change the search engine medium to long term, because a few competitors there are still. Who is so serious about onpage SEO, you must ensure that your page is technically fit. This begins with the selection of the server or the hoster and ends with the architecture of the page. Too much javascript or not outsourced CSS reasons for a slow website can be.
Google and the user may change
Not only texts are important, other media should be adequately represented in a good website. Thus, the use of images or videos that Google also regains a positive signal provides, for additional elements loosen a document and often also provide additional information again.
And even if Google images or videos are not as easy to "read" can as is the case with texts, can provide additional information through the HTML source code of a website that Google gets the right signals. That will also be rewarded and can work alongside with other factors that Onpage SEO works perfectly.
And social media plays a role: Who Social Buttons by Facebook . Twitter, Google+ and others already, improves your own chances of getting more coverage, which also ultimately leads to more users. These users then send you through their behavior on a technical and content correct page again positive signals to Google, which again plus points are collected in this area. While this is done indirectly, is regarded by Google but as a quality factor.
Without Onpage SEO is not about. Who does not have its website technical, content and structure to the touch, it is perhaps still have his joy, much range but you do not get it.
Especially for online stores and other websites that sell goods and services on the Internet, good rankings are especially important in the Google search. With one of the infographic you're already a big step forward if you hold to the described points. As I mentioned at the outset, Onpage SEO is the crucial first step, then all other should be based on the SEO measures.
And if errors creep in here already, then these errors are mostly unconsciously multiplied in sequence, thus ensuring real restrictions on the ranking. Consequence: A really good website that can score in content, their true potential can possibly never develop properly.
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