Friday, June 8, 2012

Artemide Reading Lights

How would you prefer reading a book? Sitting by a warm fire or in a more modern setting? Whatever the case, it requires good lighting without which the very experience of reading loses its luxury.

Artemide is an Italian manufacturer who is design-oriented and specializes in creating lighting fixtures designed by famous architects and designers on an international scale. Their works are characterized by the smooth pale moon-like light that both comforts and calms the senses.

Such a lighting works nothing but magic on any and every occasion, especially when someone decides to read under them. Why is reading under good lighting important? To state the obvious, it doesn’t hurt the eyes. Sometimes, if the light is dull or too strong or unevenly distributed, it can serve to cause headaches and eye-pain.

Though it sounds unusual, Artemide aims to make light appear as a friend to people, to make the very idea of it look and feel great. For forty years Artemide has been producing nothing short of excellence in their approach to creating that perfect light fixture.

Different Shapes And Sizes Of Artemide Lights

The different shapes and sizes they have cater to all types of people and preferences. But, most importantly, it serves to offer physical comfort. To read under such lighting only enriches the book and the knowledge gleaned or adventures read about.

Light is an important element in our daily lives. Be it floor, wall, ceiling or table lamps, artemide has varied models under each of these categories, with a design that is truly remarkable and unique. Many a model stands testimony to their excellence.

For ceiling lamps, examples include the Elipse, the Kao, and the Tagora. For tables, there are the Aqua, Dioscuri, Soffione and Onfale. For floors, there are the Cadmo, Chimera, Cosmic Leaf and Megaron. For walls, there are the Copernico, Eurialo, Frost, Pirce and Mesmeri.

These Italian-sounding names may sound confusing, but one look at the creations named as such will render the senses sharp with amazement. The beauty and practicality of Artemide’s designs are quite desirous in any place in the world. They bring out the very beauty of light and better the comfort of those who use them.

Back to reading… There are so many ways in which we read. Sitting up, laying back, leaning, flat on one’s stomach et cetera. There are lamps by Artemide that serve to offer the best lighting in all these instances and more.

The value of good lighting is beyond dispute. It keeps one of our most important organs, the eyes, free from harm and damage due to stress and strain. Good lighting is good for many things. It adds a sense of comfort in our lives that in itself helps us do what we do to the best of our ability. Artemide lighting has gone the distance is this regard. 


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