Monday, March 5, 2012

How to Design House with Table Lamps or Floor Lamps

Whenever in the evening time your guests knock at your door step the first think they take the notice is about your exterior lights that you have decorated both in the interiors and exterior of your home. These outdoor lights are very much essential in enhancing the over all beauty of your house. People use different designer table lamps and floor lamps to decorate your interior rooms and also with Artemide products to look your home. But, most often the importance of these lights fades away from the mind of its users and the importance is only felt when any room is kept in darkness due to unavailable of these lights damaged or broken during different cleaning chores. The placement of these Italian made home décor Artemide lights and your table lamps as well as floor lamps should be placed in the right room according to size, color of your room. These lights also must be fixed in the walls of your house in a particular angle to project the uniformity of lights all over the place. If these small lightning arrangements are ignored your entire room can easily be treated as a dull or ill-maintained one. So, these designer house pendant light are very must important and the various designing steps are being instructed below in different subheadings.

Kitchen Lights

How to Design House with Table Lamps or Floor Lamps

Your kitchen requires enough lights to work for you properly. These lights are essential because your kitchen is not only mended for making or cooking foods but also to look brighter and lively. Artemide lamps with high power florescent lights can be used as ceiling fixtures inside your kitchen. Other lights like track lights can also be used over your pots and pans so that the light falling over them can help in cleaning of dirt and dusty dishes. When coming to your dining room you don’t require such powerful lights, less powerful lights can help you out. Table lamps are enough to be used for small tables used for meals. If you want to make your meal more romantic use different small pendant, floor lamps would be the best option used as a part of your over all kitchen decor.

Dining room Lights / Outer lights

A mixture of lights is required to lighten up the area of your dining room. Accent lights and dimmer Artemide lights can easily transform your dining room/ modern lighting place in to a quiet and descent place to sit. To get maximum lightening options required for your lightening of your dinning room different chandeliers can be used. You can also look to keep table lamps with a dimmer bulb over your showcase to beauty that particular area of your dining room. If your dining room is full of pictures or wall arts use of different colorful ceiling lights and floor lamps falling over them can make your dinning place look much brighter.

Bedroom Lights

Artemide - Bedroom Lights

A bedroom is a place where one relaxes after a hectic day work. So, harsh lights should be avoided. Keeping a table lights kept at the end of the bed would make your bedroom much cooler. Ceiling lights can also been used for reading purposes over head. In your kids room table lamps should be placed with dimmer lights. If you are using Artemide or floor lamps inside your kid’s room make sure that the light doesn’t break the sleep of your kids.


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